laser welding clean room
laser welding clean room

Eleven systems for 2D and 3D processing

Laser welding in the clean room for maximum cleanliness and particle purity

Since the beginning of 2019, RJ Lasertechnik has been able to process sensitive components with high cleanliness and particle purity requirements in its own class 8 cleanrooms in accordance with ISO 14644-1. The air-conditioned air, which is cleaned with HEPA filters, is circulated 24 times per hour, ensuring constant and controlled conditions in the cleanroom.

More than five years ago, RJ Lasertechnik started clean room production with three CNC- controlled laser welding systems. Last year, capacity was expanded to include a further cleanroom with two triple laser systems and an additional single workstation, so that a total of ten laser welding workstations are now available in a cleanroom area of 170 square meters.

Since spring 2024, another system has been in operation in clean room 1, which feeds the assemblies to the CNC laser welding cell fully automatically using robots and internal warehouse management. The eleven systems are now all in-house developments by RJ Lasertechnik and were manufactured entirely in-house.

Cleanroom class 8 places significantly higher demands on cleanliness than class 9, which is common for most production processes.

Our picture gallery gives you an insight into cleanroom production at RJ Lasertechnik.

Both 2D and 3D welding can be carried out on the systems. Pulsed QCW fiber lasers with pulse powers of up to 3 kW are used as laser sources, with which almost all metals can be welded up to a penetration depth of 2 mm. Currently, the systems are mainly used to manufacture assemblies for semiconductor production as well as components and assemblies for medical technology.

Typical component dimensions for laser welding in the clean room are 400 x 300 x 100 mm for 3D welding and 200 x 200 x 100 mm for 2D welding applications.

In order to be able to guarantee the high quality standard throughout the entire process chain, clean room production at RJ Lasertechnik includes extensive testing and quality control systemsas well as special assembly workstations.

Exemplary application for laser welding in the clean room at RJ Lasertechnik

Assemblies for linear motors are laser-welded in our "Cooling Plate fab". Our video shows how thin-walled titanium covers are welded onto milled components on an RJ system we designed ourselves.

A leak test is carried out after this processing step.

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